Then I was reading this blog about fashion and I just became really inspired to sew....SO I took some old fabric and an old tank top and made a collaborative design that resulted in a lovely little dress! It was rather difficult to complete due to my cats, who loved to lay down on top of the fabric or bat at the needle and thread. They are such assholes. I pleated the black fabric (I believe it is a type of silk) to give a voluminous effect. I'm still a bit of a novice with the sewing machine, so my stitches are a little askew. But as long as you don't look too closely, it looks kind of like one of those $50 URBN RENEWALS except FO' FREE! I still hope to sew one more skirt and hem a few dresses before the summer is over.
To end the day, I bleached my roots with some touch up hair dye that is took FOREVER and smelled really bad. I now have tri-color hair: brown, blonde, and red. But I don't mind. The ultra faded blue is now gone and my roots are copper as opposed to brunette. It's cool for now. I'm getting a haircut on Tuesday. Nothing too drastic...yet. Just a trim and some chunky bangs, since mine have grown out beyond the normal bang length. In December, I plan to get a haircut in a bob-style. I had a similar cut about 2 years ago. It was a lovely lazy day of living free and DYING (my hair) hard.
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