Christmas eve was fantabulous. Spent the day sewing on my new sewing machine and we gave the cats catnip. Our standing tradition is dinner and present exchange with our family friends the Kassels, (they are practically related to us and I predict that Quinn and Courtney will marry one day) so later that night we went to their house. We played an epic game of CELEBRITY where Morgan and I won.
Courtney and Dude
Dude tried to help me sew!
CHRISTMAS MORNING! Fabulousssss! Wake up to the sound of Quinn's stocking crashing to the ground (too heavy) then after some eggs and a up of coffee we opened our presents! I got mad loot! No clothes, which is cool cause now I can make my own, but I did get: cozy socks, silver and cranberry tights, chocolates, Trident layers, DVDs (Away We Go, Inglorious Basterds, Harry Potter 6, Across the Universe) and books (Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris, Inglorious Basterds the screenplay, College Cooking, The Crochet Bible), ipod speakers, cashmere yarn/knitting stuff, iTunes/H&M/Barnes and Noble gift cards, and Photoshop! (I've been wanting Photoshop for years.)
Now Quinn and I are watching Hey Arnold!, which he got on DVD. CHRISTMAS I LOVE YOU!
that dress is BEAUTIFUL! sometimes i wish i could wear dresses... actually, not really. But its still really pretty. SEW ME SOMETHINGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!
my epilepsy test was weeess. HAHAHAHA
also: yes to cashmere yarn! yes to away we go! yes yes yes to everything!
that dress is gorgeous! i'm so impressed. glad you had such a good christmas! so far i mean. have fun in woodstock! and i can't wait to watch all of those movies
YAYYYY FOR SEWING MACHINES! That's awesome. Mannnn, I guess Santa really likes you or something.
Oh, and speaking of Trident layers, how creepy is the mailman guy in the commercial who peeks in the window and goes "I LOVE Trident layers"? It freaks me out every time.
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