-This week sucks for many reasons but one reason is that I'm sick. GOD DAMNIT. I usually don't get sick that often but this is already the second time this school year! It's okay though, because this song has been helping to heal me. It has also just been stuck in my head all day.
-I made this video for my videography remix project. The assignment was to use at least 2 video and 4 audio sources to create a remix of 90 seconds using ripped YouTube footage. The project itself was a horrible affair and I am not particularly proud of the result, but my professor gave it much praise and if it gives me a good grade then I am happy! The concept behind it was that society loves it when bad things happen to people, especially when love and sex is involved. Or something like that, I totally I made up some stuff :)
-I got a nose ring! I visited Tessa in Baltimore and we both got piercings. (This is a MICA tradition.) The visit itself was really fun. Ate some good food, met some great people, went to a pUnK party!!!

-I got a bicycle! Adam went with me to pick it up so I wouldn't get raped. So cute and small. Embarrassingly small, but I can't do anything to help that fact. I rode her all the way to South Philly and back by myself in the cold in the middle of the night. I have only ridden her that one time though because of my being sick and I have yet to purchase a bike lock. Also, I have started calling her Pocahontas. I must like names that begin with a 'P' for bicycles! My Cape Cod bike's name is Penelope.
-LONDON! I want to go soooo badly! I just handed in my application today! I'm still waiting for 1 professor to submit his student evaluation of me. Hopefully I will hear back in 2-3 weeks. Three people who live down the hall from me have already been accepted and I am NERVOUS!
who got accepted yo?
i miss you!
come over!
I forgot to write that in my post. That I miss my friends. CURSE YOU COMMON COLD AND EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF HW! I believe Justin got accepted and 2 girls who I believe are Journalism majors. Michelle Aweeky and Allison Bakker.
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