-3 more days of class
-2 midterms
-1 essay
left to complete. It's still stressful and I feel so worn out by the end of the day. Not to mention the various dramas going on in my life right now revolving around living arrangements and packing and unpacking and $$ and everything. I guess this week is just an off week because usually I feel rather happy. But the stress is getting to me. I think I just need to go home for a little while and "recharge my batteries", as my dad likes to say. I HATE TO BE NEGATIVE BUT I JUST FEEL NEGATIVE TODAY!
Some fun stuff that has happened
1) My family came to visit. They took me and Adam out to brunch and picked up some of my stuff since move out is in 2 weeks.

2) I filled out a "part 2" London application and had to get passport photos taken w/ Christine

3) other than the last 3 days, the weather has been really nice
I just need 'dem study days.
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